Diversity and inclusivity

Diversity is strength.

In the body we see how diversity, coupled with communication and cooperation, allows a more powerful, effective, and precise response. For example, the potency and creativity of the immune response to pathogens is possible because of the diversity of cell types and molecules working together.

It is through both the unique individuality of the various cells and molecules, and their communicating openly towards a common cause, that allows such an effective shared-response to take place, for the benefit of the whole system. If the different cell types were to see themselves as ‘separate’, withholding information from each other or blocking the open flow of matter, energy and information between them, the system as a whole would not be able to function and would begin to unravel.

For our species, for all beings and for our planet as a whole to be able to thrive into the future, it is vital that we too allow the open flow of matter, energy and information. This requires us to drop the delusion of separation and remember shared-presence.

It is through celebrating diversity, and embodying inclusivity in our choices, actions and interactions, that the systems we live within can function at their optimal capacity (this includes biological, ecological, mental and social systems). By choosing to live in celebration of diversity and inclusivity, and by committing to the practise of noticing and releasing that which gets in the way, we are supporting our planet system as a whole to thrive and be able to support life, as well as benefitting ourselves and all beings.

I recognise that I have access to many intersecting levels of privilege by virtue of my background, race and ethnicity, some of which I’m not yet consciously aware of. I welcome feedback and am committed to sensitivity and deep listening, so that I may continue to learn as I navigate the often-messy realm of human-dynamics and interactions.

During this process of learning and deepening my capacity for inclusivity and cooperation, I may at times unintentionally cause harm to occur through my unconsciousness or messy-humanness. I commit to practising transparency, humility and openness for feedback.