Honouring what and choosing how… 

A Work That Reconnects workshop, for honouring our experiences in relation to the state of the world, and choosing how I want to live in this world.

This workshop has now passed. Please join my mailing list to hear about future workshops like this.

Join Raphaela and Hila in an experiential Work That Reconnects workshop focussing on honouring our experiences in relation to the state of the world, and choosing how we’d like to live and respond.

The Work That Reconnects is a profound, transformative, body of work designed to empower personal change, and collective, social change, in support of the healing of our world.

The Work That Reconnects began forming in the1970s thanks to its root teacher and creator Joanna Macy, who weaves together wisdom of Buddhism, indigenous teachings, Gaia theory, systems thinking, deep ecology, her experience within movements for peace, justice, and ecology, as well as her learning from six decades of activism. Since then it is continually evolving, and responding to the realities and needs of our time.

Central to The Work That Reconnects is a non-linear view of reality, appreciation of Earth and all beings as a living system, and a deep remembering of our intrinsic belonging in the great web of life. The practises of The Work The Reconnects support our waking up from the illusion of being a separate entity, caught up in the capitalistic values of wealth, profit, rational thought, power-over, and exploitation, to remember our interbeing with the rest of life across space and time; our interconnected, inter-relational existence.

The Work That Reconnects supports the evolution of our collective consciousness, and the evolution of our systems and structures, towards a life-sustaining society.

Artist: Dori Midnight

This workshop follows the spiral form of The Work That Reconnects.

An experiential sequence that flows through 4 stages; we resource ourselves in gratitude, allowing us to honour our pain for the world, which opens us to seeing with new/ancient eyes, and supports our going forth with greater clarity and intention.

“These consecutive stages reflect a natural sequence  common to psychological growth and spiritual transformation. The critical passage or hinge of the workshop happens when, instead of privatizing, repressing and pathologizing our pain for the world (be it fear, grief, outrage or despair), we honor it. We learn to re-frame it as suffering-with or compassion. This brings us back to life.” Joanna Macy

Uncertainty, when accepted, sheds a bright light on the power of intention. That is what you can count on: not the outcome, but the motivation you bring, the vision you hold, the compass setting you choose to follow.
— Joanna Macy

Join us, Raphaela and Hila, for an experiential Work That Reconnects workshop focussing on honouring our experiences in relation to the state of the world, and choosing how we’d like to live and respond.

Hila and Raphaela have recently taken part in the Spiral Journey Facilitator Development Program, and this workshop is part of their deepening, evolving journey as facilitators of The Work That Reconnects. There is no cost for this workshop: by taking part you are supporting their learning and growing, helping them to offer more workshops like these. You are welcome to offer a donation, if you’d like to.

Raphaela Rasch (she/her) is learning with Deborah Eden Tull to facilitate group spaces in emergent and transformative ways, from the heart. She is stepping into facilitating The Work That Reconnects, and Relational Mindfulness, to support our coming home to live as an expression of our natural, authentic selves and choosing to living in ways rooted in our interbeing, honouring all life-forms, and grounded in shared presence and shared power. 

Hila Lernau (she/her): mother to 5 children, science teacher, and an activist deep inside my heart...

I learn about the Climate Change all life long.

I teach about the Climate Change to high school students, to the Isreali youth protestors and in Teachers Education Programs.


Truth Mandala


A Short Film About Ice: Bearing Witness Together